Rating Philosophy
We evaluate anime based on their music, animation, plot, characters, performance, and consistency. And that last consistency aspect is key—most anime are decent on main aspects, but suffer in maintaining that quality throughout their run.
We also try to ensure that ratings of 9 and 10 are truly rare—and similarly, 1s and 2s. In math-y terms, we expect our ratings to follow the bell-curve of a normal distribution. As such, most good anime should fall between 5 and 7—so please don’t interpret a 5 to mean the anime is bad! A 5 would simply mean it has average execution, but could still be perfectly good! And, of course, you can still enjoy a 3 or a 4; that depends on your personal preference for the anime’s content :)
Lastly, while a rating is a good shorthand, a single number can’t convey finer details about the show—which is why we also have written portions to our reviews.
Rating Scale
10 – it doesn't get better than this.
9 – almost perfect
8 – great
7 – solid!
6 – good
5 – par. an average anime
4 – the show has some problems, but is still enjoyable
3 – a bit rough. should probably skip!
2 – truly bad. we really only finished this because we're terminal weebs, honestly.
1 – this was embarrassing for everyone involved
0 – the show was irredeemable by any aspect